7445 N. Campbell Chicago, IL 60645                773.458.3150                [email protected]

David Fox








When browsing through the miscellaneous items of a secondhand store David Fox forgets about the worries of his own life and instead becomes fascinated by the traces of another's. Old clothes, used kitchen appliances, phones that carried endless conversations... When we use things we bring life to whatever it is we use. He finds inspiration in the thoughts and actions of such use. The intention is to rework an object's structure and design until it becomes a surreal version to itself and the experience of its function. Using form and color to enhance particular qualities of the object, he assembles these parts paying close attention to transition points. The ineffable postures and gestures of how we use things, he believes, is best interpreted and expressed through a visual experience of familiar everyday objects. Fox's work is about sensitive connection, between the surreal and the fingerprinted domestic.